A quine program written in awk
# quine.awk; does nothing but print itself out.
# awk -f quine.awk > xxx; diff quine.awk xxx
# print indented assignment statement with rhs in quotes
function print_asg(name, str) { print sp name eq qt str qt }
# tricks to avoid quote marks outside assignment block
b = "b"
e = "e"
p = "p"
q = "q"
s = "s"
t = "t"
sp = " "
eq = " = "
qt = "\""
bs = "\\"
tt = "top[++tc]"
bb = "bot[++bc]"
top[++tc] = "# quine.awk; does nothing but print itself out."
top[++tc] = "# awk -f quine.awk > xxx; diff quine.awk xxx"
top[++tc] = ""
top[++tc] = "# print indented assignment statement with rhs in quotes"
top[++tc] = "function print_asg(name, str) { print sp name eq qt str qt }"
top[++tc] = ""
top[++tc] = "BEGIN {"
top[++tc] = " # tricks to avoid quote marks outside assignment block"
bot[++bc] = ""
bot[++bc] = " # print first lines of source file"
bot[++bc] = " for (i = 1; i <= tc; i++)"
bot[++bc] = " print top[i];"
bot[++bc] = ""
bot[++bc] = " # print tricky individual assignments"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(b, b)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(e, e)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(p, p)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(q, q)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(s, s)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(t, t)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(s p, sp)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(e q, eq)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(q t, bs qt)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(b s, bs bs)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(t t, tt)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(b b, bb)"
bot[++bc] = ""
bot[++bc] = " print"
bot[++bc] = ""
bot[++bc] = " # print assignment stmts for first lines of source file"
bot[++bc] = " for (i = 1; i <= tc; i++)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(tt, top[i]);"
bot[++bc] = ""
bot[++bc] = " print"
bot[++bc] = ""
bot[++bc] = " # print assignment stmts for last lines of source file"
bot[++bc] = " for (i = 1; i <= bc; i++)"
bot[++bc] = " print_asg(bb, bot[i]);"
bot[++bc] = ""
bot[++bc] = " # print last lines of source file"
bot[++bc] = " for (i = 1; i <= bc; i++)"
bot[++bc] = " print bot[i];"
bot[++bc] = "}"
# print first lines of source file
for (i = 1; i <= tc; i++)
print top[i];
# print tricky individual assignments
print_asg(b, b)
print_asg(e, e)
print_asg(p, p)
print_asg(q, q)
print_asg(s, s)
print_asg(t, t)
print_asg(s p, sp)
print_asg(e q, eq)
print_asg(q t, bs qt)
print_asg(b s, bs bs)
print_asg(t t, tt)
print_asg(b b, bb)
# print assignment stmts for first lines of source file
for (i = 1; i <= tc; i++)
print_asg(tt, top[i]);
# print assignment stmts for last lines of source file
for (i = 1; i <= bc; i++)
print_asg(bb, bot[i]);
# print last lines of source file
for (i = 1; i <= bc; i++)
print bot[i];