2-3 Trees in ruby
# insert "new" into 2-3 tree "root". "new" is expected to understand "<".
# "root" can be nil, signifying an empty tree.
# or, root is assumed to be a hash, with elements:
# tree0 possibly nil; first child 2-3 tree
# data1 first data value; not nil, understands "<" method
# tree2 possibly nil; second child 2-3 tree
# data3 second data value; possibly nil. if not, understands "<"
# tree4 possibly nil (must be nil if data3 is nil); third child 2-3 tree.
# all tree0 elements <= data1 <= all tree2 elements <= data3 <= all tree4 elements
# all leaf nodes are the same depth.
# usage:
# # copy and paste this page into insert23.rb
# irb -I. -rinsert23
# t = nil; (0..9).each {|n| t = insert23(n, t)}
def insert23(new, root)
if root == nil
return {:data1 => new}
# walk down the tree recursively looking for the leaf node to start at
if root[:tree0] != nil # not at leaf node
result = insert23(new,
new < root[:data1] ? root[:tree0] :
root[:data3] == nil || new < root[:data3] ? root[:tree2] :
result = {:data1 => new, :fix => true}
# back up the tree unwinding the recursion..
return root if result[:fix] == nil # all done signal from down the tree..
# if we have room to park the new node in the current tree node, we're done.
if root[:data3] == nil
if result[:data1] < root[:data1]
root[:tree0] , root[:data1], root[:tree2], root[:data3], root[:tree4] =
result[:tree0], result[:data1], result[:tree2], root[:data1], root[:tree2]
root[:tree2], root[:data3], root[:tree4] =
result[:tree0], result[:data1], result[:tree2]
return root
if new < root[:data1]
d1 = root[:data1]
t0 = result
t2 = {:tree0 => root[:tree2], :data1 => root[:data3], :tree2 => root[:tree4]}
elsif new < root[:data3]
d1 = result[:data1]
t0 = {:tree0 => root[:tree0], :data1 => root[:data1], :tree2 => result[:tree0]}
t2 = {:tree0 => result[:tree2], :data1 => root[:data3], :tree2 => root[:tree4]}
d1 = root[:data3]
t0 = {:tree0 => root[:tree0], :data1 => root[:data1], :tree2 => root[:tree2]}
t2 = result
return {:tree0 => t0, :data1 => d1, :tree2 => t2, :fix => true}