A formulation of red-black trees intended to aid in understanding and simplify implementation

The red-black tree is a data structure that supports log-time insert, delete, and find operations. It is widely used; for example it is the basis for most implementation of C++ standard library sets, maps, and other containers.

The intention of this note is to present a mild re-formulation of red-black trees that simplifies the algorithms and presentation. The hope is that this will both aid in understanding red-black trees and simplify implementations.

Definition of red-black trees

A red-black tree is a binary tree in which each node contains a data field. (The data fields may be integers, strings, or any data structures that support a notion of comparison and ordering.) Data fields in a node's left subtree are smaller than the node's data field, and data fields in the node's right subtree are larger than the node's data field.

Each node in a red-black tree is marked with a color (red or black).

A red-black tree is well-formed if it satisfies the following two properties:

Red property:
Red nodes do not have red parents.
Black property*:
Siblings have the same maximum black height.
We will use the "maximum black height" of a node instead of usual black height:

The maximum black height of a node is the maximum number of black nodes on any simple path starting at the node and descending into its subtree. (Empty subtrees have a black height of zero.)

For those already familiar with red-black trees and their usual definition of black height, let me offer a couple of comments on the rationale for this new definition:

Unlike the notion of black height, maximum black height is well-defined for all subtrees.

Moreover, as will be seen below, during "delete" operations there will be temporary violations of the black property. There is a node in the tree whose maximum black height is less than that of its sibling. However, the parent of those two siblings retains its original maximum black height because of the sibling's black height. So, it becomes possible to identify the single and only node in the tree that violates the black property as the delete operation progresses.

This creates a nice symmetry with violations of the red property during the insert operation. As the insert operation progresses, it is simple to identify the single node in the tree that violates the red property, because it is red has a red parent.

It will be convenient in what follows to distinguish interior nodes (those with two children) and boundary nodes (those with zero or one children).

In what follows we will sometimes use "weight" as a synonym for "maximum black height". Where it is known that all simple paths from the root of a subtree to the boundary nodes in the subtree have the same number of black nodes, we will at times refer simply to the "black height" of the tree. In that case, the standard notion of "black height" is defined for the subtree, and is the same as the "maximum black height" of the subtree.

A complete path is a simple path from the root to a boundary node.

Red-black trees stay balanced to within a factor of two

An important consequence of the Black property is that all complete paths in a well-formed red-black tree have the same number of black nodes. (In fact, this is the definition usually given for the Black property; see Afterword for the rationale for the new definition.)

This will allow us to bound the ratio of longest to shortest complete paths, guaranteeing that red-black trees do not get too out of balance. This crucial guarantee will allow us to conclude that all find, insert, and delete operations can be completed in time O(log(N)).

Observations on the black property

Those familiar with red black trees will note that we use a nonstandard definition of the black property, which will be refered to herein as the "Local black property" when it is necessary to contrast it with the standard definition.

The emphasis of this site is understanding of the algorithms and their correctness rather than their asymptotic complexity properties. The reformulation we give here provides a nice local character to the black property, and constitutes an intuitive pre-condition for the black-property repair algorithm.

Local black property:
Sibling nodes have the same maximum black height.
We refer to the standard black property as the "global black property":

Global black property:
Every simple path from the root to a boundary node has the same number of black nodes.
Use of the local black property comes at the price of incurring a proof obligation. We need to show the equivalence of the local black property and the global black property in order to guarantee the desired O(logN) asymptotic behavior of the insert, delete, and find operations on red black trees that are defined to obey the local black property.

Lemma: If a red-black tree satisfies the local black property, then every subtree satisfies the global black property.

The proof will be a simple induction on maximum black height. For the base case, note that the global black property trivially holds for subtrees of maximum black height zero.

Now, inductively assume that for every subtree of maximum black height K, all complete paths have K black nodes. Consider a subtree of maximum black height K+1, and let's initially consider the case where the root is black. One of the node's children must have a maximum black height of K. But by the Black property both children have the same maximum black height, so they both must have maximum black height K. From the inductive assumption we know that all complete paths in these child subtrees have K nodes. A complete path in the original subtree is a concatenation of the root node and a complete path of one of its child subtrees. Since complete paths of the child subtrees all have length K, the concatenated complete paths from the root must all have length K+1.

Now if the original subtree has a red root node, its two children have the same maximum black height by the Black property, which must be K+1 (since the presence of the red node will not contribute to the subtree's maximum black height.) By the previous result, all complete paths in these two subtrees have K+1 black nodes. Complete paths in the original subtree are concatenations of a red node (the root), and subtree complete paths of maximum black height K+1. So again, all complete paths have maximum black height K+1.

Implications of the red and black properties for binary trees

From the Red property, we can see that a red-black tree might have all black nodes. From the lemma just proved, we see that all complete paths would have the same number of nodes. That is to say, the tree would be a complete binary tree with 2^N - 1 nodes.

Alternatively, a red-black tree might have a complete path that has some red nodes and some black nodes. The longest possible path would start and end with red nodes, and the nodes would alternate between red and black.

So, it is possible that in a red-black tree some complete paths might be almost twice as long as others, but this is the worst it can get. So, the height of the tree is bounded by 2*log(N). This bound on how out of balance the tree can get makes it possible to guarantee that search operations will all take time O(2*log(N)), which equals O(log(N)).

Importantly, as will be seen below, insert and delete operations can also be accomplished in O(log(N)) time.

Terminology for nodes

We will need terminology to describe several relationships between nearby nodes in a tree. Figure 1 gives the terminology we will use.

Figure 1: Here are the names of tree positions relative to NODE that will be used in this note.

                                  |                                  |  
                                parent                             uncle
                  |                               |                     
                 NODE                          sibling                  
                  |                               |                     
          +-------+-------+                +------+------+              
          |               |                |             |              
    outside_child    inside_child     near_nephew    far_nephew         

The rotateUp(childNode) tree modification operation

The fundamental problem we are trying to solve is that a sequence of insert and delete operations can make a binary tree badly out of balance. (In the extreme, a binary tree can degenerate to becoming a long, narrow singly linked list.) This makes binary search operations expensive, ruining the advantages of binary search.

We need an operation that can rebalance a binary tree.

Rebalancing of red-black trees is done via an important operation called rotation. Rotation does a local re-arrangement of a tree. It has the useful properties that it does not change the in-order traversal of the tree, and it does not introduce red/black violations into the tree. We will formally define the operation "rotateUp()" below, but first, here is an illustration of its operation:

Figure 2: rotateUp(node A) maintains the order of the nodes in the tree.

                           B                                           --> A <--
                           |                                               |
              +------------+-------------+         ===>       +------------+------------+
              |                          |                    |                         |
          --> A <--                greater than B        less than A                    B
              |                                                                         |
     +--------+--------+                                                       +--------+--------+
     |                 |                                                       |                 |
less than A     between A and B                                         between A and B    greater than B

Definition: The "rotateUp()" operation can be applied to a non-root red node A that does not have a red sibling. Node A replaces its parent; the inside child of A is changed to be the inside child of what was the parent node, and the former parent node replaces the removed inside child of A. Finally, the colors of node A and the former parent node are swapped.

Figure 3. rotateUp(NODE) takes a red node that does not have a red sibling as its argument. The red and black properties of the tree are preserved by the transformation.

                       parent (black)                                  NODE (black)
                             |                                              |
                 +-----------+-----------+         ===>         +-----------+-----------+
                 |                       |                      |                       |
             NODE (red)             T3 (not red)           T1 (not red)            parent (red)
                 |                                                                      |
         +-------+-------+                                                      +-------+-------+
         |               |                                                      |               |
    T1 (not red)    T2 (not red)                                           T2 (not red)    T3 (not red)

Several things are worth noting about this operation. (We leave the proofs as exercises.)

The modified tree is still a well-formed red-black tree.

The in-order traversal of the tree is not changed.

The operation can be used to revert its own tree modifications; the rotateUp() operation can be applied to the new red node, and the original tree is restored.

The NODE and its parent switch colors, so that the root of the new subtree is still black, preventing any potential red-black tree property violations between the new subtree and nodes outside of the subtree.

No maximum black heights are changed in the new tree.

The outside subtrees T1 and T3 keep their respective parents, but those parents change colors.

The middle subtree T2 changes parents, but the color of its parent does not change.

The presence of the red node requires its parent and children (if they exist) to be black, because of the Red property of well-formed red-black trees.

What happens when we violate the pre-condition of rotateUp()?

We required that rotateUp() only be applied to a red node that does not have a red sibling. It is interesting, though, to take a moment and think about what happens if we break this rule in different ways.

If rotateUp() is applied to a red node that has a red sibling, the resulting tree ends up with a red property violation. (This is easy to check.) But an interesting implication of this follows from the fact that doing this operation and then undoing it is the identity. So, the undoing, which is also a rotateUp(), can take a tree with a red-property violation and fix it. As we will see, this observation will help in the insertion algorithm below, which requires fixing a tree that has a red-property violation. (See Figures 4 and 5 below.)

If rotateUp() is applied to a black node, it breaks the black property in two places. First, the sibling node has its maximum black height increased by one. Second, the node's outside child has its maximum black height decreased by one. (Figures 6 and 7 below illustrate this operation.)

Also, if the black node has a red outside child and a red parent, a red property violation will occur.

As we will see, this application of rotateUp() which changes the maximum black heights of nodes will help with the deletion algorithm below. Deletion causes sibling subtrees to have different maximum black heights. A tree manipulation that changes the maximum black heights of nodes will prove useful in repairing this damage.

Uses of rotateUp

As we have suggested, the rotateUp() operation can take a tree that violates one of the red-black tree properties, and change it into a well-formed red-black tree.

For example, here is a tree that violates the red property, because node and PARENT are both red. (In this and the following examples, we capitalize the node on which the rotateUp() operation will be performed for emphasis.)

Figure 4. This tree violates the Red property, because node and PARENT are both red.

                                 grandparent (black)            
                           |                             |      
                      PARENT (red)                 uncle (black)
               |                       |                        
           node (red)           sibling (black)                 
        |             |                                         
    T1 (black)    T2 (black)                                    

Applying rotateUp(PARENT), node's parent has its color changed as noted above, and because the subtree was a well-formed red-black tree otherwise, the removal of the red-property violation leaves the tree well-formed:

Figure 5. rotateUp(PARENT) changes node's parent from red to black, fixing the tree.

                         PARENT (black)                         
               |                                |               
           node (red)                   grandparent (red)       
               |                                |               
        +------+------+                +--------+--------+      
        |             |                |                 |      
    T1 (black)    T2 (black)    sibling (black)    uncle (black)

As will be seen below, the above transformation is the crucial one for inserting new nodes into red-black trees.

As another example, consider a tree that violates the black property. The light_node has a maximum black height of one, and SIBLING has a maximum black height of 2.

Figure 6. This tree violates the Black property at light_node.

                          parent (red)                                     
            |                                    |                         
    light_node (black)                    SIBLING (black)                  
                                    |                         |            
                           near_nephew (black)         far_nephew (red)    
                                                       |             |     
                                                   T1 (black)    T2 (black)

If we apply "rotateUp(SIBLING)", and change the color of far_nephew, we get the following tree:

Figure 7. Doing a rotateUp(SIBLING) and then changing the color of far_nephew fixes the tree.

                                     SIBLING (red)                         
                        |                                     |            
                  parent (black)                      far_nephew (black)    
                        |                                     |            
            +-----------+-----------+                  +------+------+     
            |                       |                  |             |     
    light_node (black)     near_nephew (black)     T1 (black)    T2 (black)

All pairs of sibling subtrees now have the same maximum black height.

As will be seen below, this is the crucial operation required to repair a tree after a node has been deleted.

With the above groundwork in place, let's look at some code!

Inserting a new node into a red-black tree

To insert a new node, we first insert it into the tree in the correct position based on the ordering of the data contained in the nodes. The new node will end up being attached as a leaf node to a boundary node.

We color the new node red. This assures that its presence will not cause a violation of the Black property. However, if the new node's parent happens to be red, we will have introduced a violation of the Red property.

As will be seen below, if the new node does introduce a violation of the red property, we can repair the tree with a single traversal from the new node toward the root of the tree. Since the tree height is O(log(N)), this operation will be completed in O(log(N)) time.

One quick implementation detail before looking at the code: We use a functional notation


instead of pointer dereferencing. All functions can take NULL as an argument and return NULL or false if applied to NULL. The details of the various helper functions are left to the reader.

Here is the insert algorithm and its associated "restoreRedProperty" algorithm.

void redBlackInsert(RedBlackTree *tree, void *dataValue)
    RedBlackTree *newNode = treeInsert(tree, dataValue);

    if (violatesRedProperty(newNode))
        restoreRedProperty(tree, newNode);
// Node is red and its parent exists and is red, violating the Red property.
// No Black-property violations or other Red-property violations exist in the tree.
// The algorithm gives node a black parent.  The re-arrangement may cause a
// Red property violation higher in the tree, which is solved by a recursive call.

static void restoreRedProperty(RedBlackTree *tree, RedBlackNode *node)
    if (isRootNode(parent(node))) {                      // case 1; all done.
        parent(node)->color = BLACK;

    } else if (isRedNode(uncle(node))) {                 // case 2.
        parent(node)->color      = BLACK;
        uncle(node)->color       = BLACK;
        grandparent(node)->color = RED;

        if (violatesRedProperty(grandparent(node)))
            restoreRedProperty(tree, grandparent(node)); // possibly recurse..
                                                         // else all done.

    } else {                                             // case 3; all done after
        // ensure that the node is an outside child..    // local changes below.
        if (isInsideChild(node)) {
            rotateUp(tree, node);                        // setup for final move;
            node = outsideChild(node);

        rotateUp(tree, parent(node));                    // final move to fix the tree;

An initial easy case is when the parent of the node violating the Red property is the root. By assumption there are no violations of the Black property, so NODE and its sibling (if it exists) have the same maximum black height. So, we can simply make the root black and the tree is then well-formed.

Figure 8. Red property violation occurs at a child of the root. Since there are no Black property violations, the tree can be repaired by making the root black.

                               root (red)                  
                        |                     |            
                    NODE (red)         optional sibling


                              root (black)                 
                        |                     |            
                    NODE (red)         optional sibling

The second case is when both NODE's parent and uncle are red nodes. This is the only case in which recursion may be necessary.

Figure 9. NODE has red parent and uncle. Tree can be locally repaired by making parent and uncle black, making grandparent red, and if required calling restoreRedProperty() on grandparent.

                           grandparent (black)             
                   |                                 |     
              parent (red)                      uncle (red)
        |                     |                            
    NODE (red)        optional sibling


                            grandparent (red)               
                   |                                 |      
             parent (black)                    uncle (black)
        |                     |                             
    NODE (red)        optional sibling

The third case, in which NODE's uncle is black, permits completion of the algorithm with no need for recursion. The final move only works if NODE is an outside child, so it may be necessary to set the table by doing a preliminary move that makes the site of the Red property violation an outside child. Figure 10 illustrates this.

Figure 10. Modify the tree so that the node containing the Red property violation is an outside child.

                                grandparent (black)               
                       |                                   |      
                  parent (red)                       uncle (black)
           |                       |                              
    sibling (not red)          NODE (red)                         
                            |             |                       
                      T1 (not red)   T2 (not red)                  


                                    grandparent (black)           
                               |                           |      
                           NODE (red)                uncle (black)
                   |                      |                       
              parent (red)          T2 (not red)                  
           |               |                                      
    sibling (not red)  T1 (not red)                                 

With the guarantee that the uncle node is black, 'rotateUp(parent)' completes the algorithm and the tree satisfies both the Red property and the Black property.

Figure 11. If NODE is an outside child, a rotateUp() on parent completes the algorithm.

                         grandparent (black)           
                     |                          |      
                PARENT (red)              uncle (black)
            |                 |                        
        node (red)     sibling (black)                 


                    PARENT (black)                     
            |                          |               
        node (red)             grandparent (red)       
                              |                 |      
                       sibling (black)    uncle (black)

Deleting a node from a red-black tree

We now turn to node deletion. As with node insertion, we start the process at a boundary node. We find the node to be deleted in the tree, and if it is an interior node then the data in its successor is exchanged with the data in that node. The successor of an interior node is guaranteed to be a boundary node, so in any case we have the task of deleting a boundary node.

If the node being deleted is black, it will create a violation of the Black property (unless it happens to be the root). The deletee might have a (single) child node. If the deletee does not have a child, or if the child is black, then we call the function restoreBlackProperty() to fix the Black property violation.

It is convenient to start the recursive "restoreBlackProperty(deleteMe)" function at the node being deleted, so we leave deleteMe in the tree while the tree is being rebalanced. We give deleteMe node a new color, WHITE, to create the initial violation of the Black property.

After restoreBlackProperty() is complete, we trim the node being deleted out of the tree. If the deletee has a child node, it is replaced by its child; if not it is replaced by the empty subtree. restoreBlackPropery() happens always to leave the node being deleted with a black parent, so if the deletee has a child node and it is red, there will be no violation of the Red property after the deletee is replaced by its child.

void redBlackDelete(RedBlackTree *tree, void *dataValue)
    RedBlackNode *deleteMe = redBlackFind(tree, dataValue);

    if (isInternalNode(deleteMe)) {
        swapData(deleteMe, successor(deleteMe));
        deleteMe = successor(deleteMe);

    if (!isRootNode(deleteMe) && isBlackNode(deleteMe)) {
        deleteMe->color = WHITE;
        restoreBlackProperty(tree, deleteMe);

    replaceChild(tree, parent(deleteMe), deleteMe, childOrEmptySubtree(deleteMe));

The essential problem that restoreBlackProperty() needs to solve is that there are two sibling subtrees with different maximum black heights. The lighter sibling is the one that contains the node being deleted.

The algorithm changes the tree to rebalance the siblings so that they end up having equal maximum black heights. One way to do that is to "kick the problem upstairs", and make the heavier sibling lighter. Then, the siblings will be equal, but the parent may be lighter than its sibling. In that case, the routine calls itself recursively on the parent and works its way up the tree.

There are a few ways the algorithm can avoid recursion and finish the job by performing local manipulations. The most non-trivial of these is to use the rewiring shown in Figure 15 below. The other manipulations are simply intermediate steps to ensure that the conditions required for that final rewiring are satisfied.

A useful way to look at the algorithm is to start from Figure 15, the final step, and work backwards. Basically, Figure 15 represents the checkmate move, and the other moves are simply ways to re-arrange things so that the coup de grace can be executed.

// lightNode's maximum black height is one less than its sibling's maximum black height, violating the Black property.
// No Red-property violations or other Black-property violations exist in the tree.
// NODE is not red.
// restoreBlackProperty() makes lightNode and its sibling equal in weight.  This re-arrangement may
// cause a Black property violation higher in the tree, which is solved by a recursive call.

static void restoreBlackProperty(RedBlackTree *tree, RedBlackNode *lightNode)
    // ensure that sibling is black.
    if (isRedNode(sibling(lightNode)))                     // initial preparation; see Figure 12.
        rotateUp(tree, sibling(lightNode));

    if (   !isRedNode(nearNephew(lightNode))               // case 1; see Figure 13
        && !isRedNode(farNephew(lightNode)))
        sibling(lightNode)->color = RED;

        if (isRedNode(parent(lightNode)))                  // case 1a; all done..
            parent(lightNode)->color = BLACK;

        else if (!isRootNode(parent(lightNode))) {         // case 1b;
            restoreBlackProperty(tree, parent(lightNode)); // recurse toward root.
    } else {                                               // case 2; all done after local changes.
        // ensure far nephew is red..
        if (!isRedNode(farNephew(lightNode)))
            rotateUp(tree, nearNephew(lightNode));         // set-up for final move; see Figure 14.

        farNephew(lightNode)->color = BLACK;

        rotateUp(tree, sibling(lightNode));                // all done; see Figure 15.

As an initial step, restoreBlackProperty() makes sure that the light node has a black sibling. This is an initialization step that is needed for both branches of the main "if" statement in restoreBlackProperty(). The tree modification is illustrated in Figure 12.

The fact that SIBLING is heavier than light_node guarantees that both subtrees of SIBLING are non-empty, and they must both have black root nodes since by assumption the tree has no Red property violations.

Figure 12. restoreBlackProperty() needs to make sure that light node's sibling is black. rotateUp(sibling) makes this true.

                           parent (black)                  
                    |                         |            
            light_node (black)          SIBLING (red)      
                                       |             |     
                                   T1 (black)    T2 (black)


                                  SIBLING (black)          
                             |                       |     
                        parent (red)           T2 (black)
                    |                 |                    
            light_node (black)   T1 (black)

If sibling (which we now know to be black) has no red children, we can make sibling and node have the same weight by making sibling lighter. This is done by simply changing sibling from black to red.

We then have the simple problem of accommodating the change in sibling's color. If parent was originally red, it can be made black and the algorithm is complete. If parent was originally black, its maximum black height is now smaller and it becomes the new light node. If the parent is not the root it is the new site of a Black property violation, which is fixed by a recursive call to restoreBlackProperty().

Figure 13. If nephews are both NIL or black, we can restore balance by making sibling red. If parent was red, we are done. If parent was black, recursively call restoreBlackProperty().

                  parent (red)                                         parent (black)                 
                       |                        ===>                         |                        
          +------------+------------+                           +------------+------------+           
          |                         |                           |                         |           
  light_node (black)         sibling (black)            light_node (black)          sibling (red)     
                                    |                                                     |           
                             +------+------+                                       +------+------+    
                             |             |                                       |             |    
                         (not red)     (not red)                               (not red)     (not red)

                 parent (black)                                    new light_node (black); recurse here.
                       |                        ===>                         |                        
          +------------+------------+                           +------------+------------+           
          |                         |                           |                         |           
  light_node (black)         sibling (black)            light_node (black)          sibling (red)     
                                    |                                                     |           
                             +------+------+                                       +------+------+    
                             |             |                                       |             |    
                         (not red)     (not red)                               (not red)     (not red)

The other branch of the main conditional in restoreBlackProperty() is that at least one of the nephew nodes is red. If it happens that the nephew farthest from node is red, the algorithm can perform its ultimate step and complete its job, as shown in Figure 15.

If far_nephew is not red, we need to change it to be red, as a setup for the algorithm's ultimate step. It is a simple matter to make it so using a rotateUp on near_nephew.

Figure 14. If far_nephew is not red (needed for the final step), rotateUp(near_nephew) will make it so.

                         parent (either)                                  
            |                                      |                      
    light_node (black)                      sibling (black)               
                                      |                         |         
                              NEAR_NEPHEW (red)         far_nephew (black)
                               |             |                            
                           T1 (black)    T2 (black)                       


                     parent (either)                                      
            |                              |                              
    light_node (black)            NEAR_NEPHEW (black)                     
                               |                       |                  
                           T1 (black)            sibling (red)            
                                              |                 |         
                                          T2 (black)    far_nephew (black)

The final step completes the algorithm. It restores the Black property locally, and does so in a way that does not change the maximum black height of the parent.

Figure 15. If far_nephew is red, then rotateUp(sibling) and a change of far_nephew to black completes the algorithm.

                       parent (either)                             
            |                                  |                   
    light_node (black)                  SIBLING (black)            
                                    |                     |        
                           near_nephew (either)    far_nephew (red)


                                  SIBLING (either)                   
                        |                                  |         
                  parent (black)                   far_nephew (black)
            |                       |                                
    light_node (black)     near_nephew (either)                      


The above presentation was meant to be tutorial, and did not refer to the differences between the standard presentations of red-black trees and this one. In this afterword we mention some of those differences.

We make use of a generalization of the usual notion of maximum black height. In the standard definition, the maximum black height of a node is only considered well defined if all simple paths from the node to leaf nodes have the same number of black nodes. We prefer to define the maximum black height of a node as the maximum number of black nodes in any simple path staring from the node and descending into its subtree. With that definition, maximum black height is well-defined for all nodes in all trees, even ones that violate the black property.

We give an alternative formulation of the Black property in terms of sibling nodes. This fits well with the pre-conditions of the restoreBlackProperty() algorithm. The exact location of a violation of the Black property becomes well-defined. If a node has children with different maximum black heights, the node's maximum black height is defined in terms of the larger child maximum black height. This fits well with the deletion algorithm, because all nodes outside the subtree that is the lighter of the unequal sibling pair retain their original maximum black heights. However, this new definition creates the need for a proof that the standard black property is equivalent. The latter is of course essential to ensure that red-black trees have the desired O(log(N)) algorithms.

We introduce no notion of artificial NIL leaf nodes. We make no assumption in the definitions or the code that all non-leaf nodes have two children. We use the notion of boundary nodes instead of leaf nodes.

We make no requirement that the root node be red.

We define a single rotateUp() operation that applies to a child node instead of defining a pair of left and right rotate() operations that apply to a parent node.

We use direction-agnostic naming of relative node positions. Together with rotateUp(), this allows us to avoid mentions of left or right anywhere in the algorithms except in a couple of low-level utility routines.

We define restoreRedProperty() and restoreBlackProperty() recursively instead of iteratively. The entry conditions of these routines are carefully stated and serve the same function a loop invariants in the iterative routines.

In the delete operation we leave the node to be deleted in the tree while the Black property is being restored. It is helpful in the algorithm to start at that node and work upward in the tree. To create the initial violation of the Black property, we assign this node a third color.

Please let me know if you see any errors or problems in this presentation. Thanks!

gregfjohnson at a big company that provides email and whose name starts with y dot com.